Kummara sebagai salah satu mitra strategis Direktorat Kemahasiswaan ITB (Ditmawa ITB) diundang dalam kegiatan Focus Group Discussion Character Development Training ITB 2023 tahap 2. Character Development Training (CDT) merupakan salah satu rangkaian acara Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru yang diikuti oleh para mahasiswa ITB angkatan 2023 dalam membangun nilai-nilai AIR (Adaptif, Integritas, dan...
Gali Kemampuan Kepemimpinan dan Kolaborasi Aktif Lewat Facilitated Game-Based Learning “Treasures of Punakawan”
Sebagai bagian dari kegiatan Sekolah Mentor 1 LKM X ITB yang dilaksanakan pada hari Minggu (3/9/2023) lalu, para peserta diajak untuk menggali kemampuan kepemimpinan dan komunikasi efektif melalui sesi Facilitated Game-Based Learning. CEO Kummara, Eko Nugroho, hadir...
Sebagai bagian dari kolaborasi Kummara dan Institut Teknologi Bandung, Latihan Kepemimpinan Mahasiswa (LKM) X ITB 2023 mengundang Eko Nugroho (CEO Kummara) sebagai narasumber pada Sekolah Mentor 1 dengan tema “How to be a Good Facilitator”
CEO of Kummara, Eko Nugroho, was invited as one of the speakers for TAPAKSIAPI 2022 (Temu Aksi Penyuluh Antikorupsi dan Ahli Pembangun Integritas), an event by KPK RI to celebrate International Anti-Corruption Day.
In his session, Eko talked about how Anti-Corruption Counselors can optimize games as a media to deliver integrity and anti-corruption values. Joined by more than 50...
Sandri Justiana (Direktorat Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Antikorupsi, Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi RI)Roto Priyono (Advisor, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH)Azizah Nuur Utami (Sekretariat Jenderal, Kementerian Keuangan RI)
Afternoon at 17.00. Two days before Eid. I started pedaling my bicycle. Head to Papah’s house in North Dago Hill. Take the closest route: Bojong koneng – Cihalarang – Dago Resort – Bukit Dago. The distance is only about 8 km. With a beautiful hill view. It took 20-25 minutes by car. Looks like it only takes 60 minutes if you ride a bike. I thought that afternoon. Self-confident. Or just...
Happy Mudik Recipe: See It As A Game
Once, I entered the train through the window. My body was lifted by my father first, head going in first. Then someone pulled me by the hand to get into the cabin. I’m crying in between fear and confusion.
During the trip, my father and I got a special cabin. In the toilet cabin because the train is so full. That’s one of my memories of...
When I was able to visit MIT in 2018, I attended an interactive media seminar which is delivered by Mr. Jesse Schell. He is the author of The Art of Game Design, founder of Schell Game, and Professor at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU).
In the seminar, several foundations were discussed to be able to present a good game concept. The cool term is games that matter. One of the interesting...
There are many people who understand gaming is more than just entertainment to fill their spare time.
I personally define games as any form of medium or activity that presents Roles, Rules, and Results so that they are able to motivate all involved in it to become better.
With the above definition, we can see many things around us both in the work environment, socially, and even in the...