Closing 2021, Kummara back to be involved in the series of Great People Training Program (GPTP) XIV held in 27-31 December. This was third project Kummara collaborated with Telkom for a new employee on-boarding session, after completing GPTP XII in 2020 and GPTP XIII that also held in 2021.
As an interactive leadership development program, Playful Learning Journey GPTP XIV combine game based-learning and gamification approaches, specially designed to upgrade comprehension related to four main topics: Digital Leadership, Developing Organizational Capabilities, Strategic Partnership, and Leading Change. Attended by total 345 participants, GPTP XIV divided into three main sessions: Online Facilitated Game-Based Learning Session, Asynchronous Playful Learning Session, and Group Learning Session.
This event opened with Online Facilitated Game-Based Learning (OFGBL) session on the first day. Gathered in Zoom platform, here participant challenged to play Laksamana, where players are shipped a crew mandated by the King to conquer the island. This designed to improve their idea about the basis of (Digital) Leadership and Strategic Partnership, as well as the brief description for the next session.

For the second session, which was Asynchronous Playful Learning, participant involved in several missions given through the Telegram platform. During three days, this session focused on giving direct experiences related to four main topics, also emphasizing the importance of BUMN Core Value namely AKHLAK (Amanah, Kompeten, Harmonis, Loyal, Adaptif, and Kolaboratif).
Finally we arrived in the last day – the Group Learning Session, where participant shared their feelings about learning experiences that have been obtained during Playful Learning Journey GPTP XIV. “Our most favorite moment was the asynchronous session. Here we have to strategize well, not to mention we did that in the middle of training as a new employee.” Said one of the participants. “Through this one-week adventure, we learned that we should be able to make a quick and precise decision. Don’t forget the good teamwork make good results too.”
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