When it comes to gamification, many people immediately associate it with point, badges and leader boards. Then they concluded, “Oh! For all of that, we definitely need apps!”. Is it really like that?
To answer the questions above, let’s first try to understand the Point, Badge, and Leaderboard (PBL) functions.
In a game, points function as a form of feedback system, the impact of the actions or choices we make which we can then find out immediately (even instantaneously).
For example, if our shot is right, we get a point. If we’re slow at dodging a punch, we lose points. Points can be displayed in many forms: stars, coins, and others.
When we can see the impact of our actions or choices in a relatively short time (let alone instantaneous), we generally get more serious. For example, when we ask someone to be our girlfriend/partner, we know we can get immediate feedback – at least from their facial expressions. That may be one of the reasons we get serious.
However, in everyday life, we take many actions or choices but we cannot see the impacts in the near future (for example, eating healthy/exercising, wearing masks at current time). The use of points in the gamification concept is to make us realize that every action has an impact – and hopefully we can be more motivated to do it seriously.
In a game, badges can have several functions, as milestones (certain achievements), as a form of classification, or as progress indicators (feedback system). However, in general, the function of the badge is as a form of recognition.
When our basic needs are met, we generally seek various forms of recognition (Love, Esteem Needs, Self Actualization – Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs). The use of badges in the gamification concept is to provide this form of recognition.
The leader board in the game can be seen as a combination of points and badges with the main function of facilitating our competitive nature. It is undeniable that we have the urge to be better. For that reason, we sometimes need a comparison. The leader board is a way of providing this comparison, which is expected to motivate us to do something that will make us (feel) better.
Many think gamification is just a matter of attaching points, badges, and the leaderboard for various boring activities. Because of that, many people think they need apps to support this.
But if we understand the essence of the point is as a feedback system, badges as a form of recognition, and the leader board as a comparison space for how good we are, there are many ways to be able to present the three in the format/media/platform that best suits our needs.
On many occasions – we can actually present POINT, BADGE, and LEADERBOARD, with or without apps.
So gamification doesn’t always need special apps. What is needed is sometimes only the seriousness to LEARN TO PLAY together.
Original article: https://ekonugroho.id/gamifikasi-apakah-selalu-perlu-apps/
Photo by Pathum Danthanarayana on Unsplash