There are many people who understand gaming is more than just entertainment to fill their spare time.
I personally define games as any form of medium or activity that presents Roles, Rules, and Results so that they are able to motivate all involved in it to become better.
With the above definition, we can see many things around us both in the work environment, socially, and even in the family as a game. The ability to see many things around us through the glasses of this game which I later refer to as: “Beyond Game Mindset”. So what’s the point of having a Beyond Game Mindset?
1. Motivate Lifelong Learners
In every game, the gains we get are the results or consequences of various decisions and actions that we take. We are also aware that the quality of actions and decisions taken depends on our knowledge and understanding of the games we play. In other words, when we see things as a game then we should be aware that in order to get better results we always improve our knowledge and understanding of the game. Consequently, when we realize that there are many “games” around us that we want and can play, it means that we must also be enthusiastic to always learn new things. Therefore, the Beyond Game Mindset will encourage us to become lifelong learners.
2. Foundations of Innovation Culture
In every game, we are not afraid to fail. We see every failure as an opportunity for reflection and evaluation. We follow up on failures with efforts to improve decisions, actions and strategies. We do it over and over again, iterating over, trying to get better. When we have a Beyond Game Mindset and able to see things through the eyes of the game, we will have the courage to celebrate every failure which will eventually become an important foundation for the growth and development of a culture of innovation.
3. Challenge = Opportunity to Have Fun
In every game, we welcome every challenge with full of optimism. We then enjoy every effort we make to complete the challenge. The more fun the game is – the tougher the challenges we face, the more enthusiastic we are to face them, the more we enjoy the whole process. We are fully aware that the greatest joy is not obtained at the end, but in every process/opportunity we have to complete the challenges that exist. By having a Beyond Game Mindset, it will be easier for us to find joy in every challenge and the entire process.
When we have a Beyond Game Mindset, we will see every challenge as an opportunity to process happily, every failure as a trigger for innovation, and every day as a learning space wholeheartedly. When we can present the Beyond Game Mindset in every organization, from the family to the national level, I am optimistic that many good works and impacts will manifest around us.
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Photo by Jonathan Kemper on Unsplash