Kummara collaborates with Frosh Project to create a hybrid card game called “TeleFrosh”. Frosh Project is a pilot project from PeaceGeneration with university and independent research institution for freshman. This program aimed to practicing and maximizing freshman’s critical thinking capability and peace character to help them during university time.
For the first time, “TeleFrosh” was played by mentors of Frosh Project on their Training of Trainers session, earlier this month. Mentors were senior students from Institut Teknologi Bandung and Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.
In “TeleFrosh”, players need to choose the right door to be able to teleport in a comfortable way. Doors were locked and players need to find the key to be able to open the door before time runs out. Players can ask people to be able to obtain the key. Because some people are trustworthy and some are not, players have their opportunity to make a check or straightaway making a deal.
“TeleFrosh” is a hybrid card game, where players also use gadget to play. Actions were made and record using phone. The game will cover 12 learning materials made by Frosh Project and now still in development process.