To find out more about gamification, I contacted Eko Nugroho, CEO of Kummara Group, a company that focuses on serious gaming, game-based learning, and gamification in general. Eko explained, basically, gamification is the use of game elements in fields other than games, from education, workplaces, to the military.
The game elements used in gamification are also not always the same. In...
Ayo Belajar Inovasi Bisnis Lewat Boardgame Business Craft
Warta Kota – 25 May 2018
CIAS bersama Kummara dan Klub lnovator Bisnis menyelenggarakan event BusinessCraft Play-Day, yaitu sebuah aktivitas belajar sambil bermain BusinessCrait secara bersama-sama. Event yang berlangsung, Kamis (24/5/2018) di Mal FX Sudirman, Senayan, Jakarta Pusat, sejak pukul 13.00 hingga 16.00 WIB ini...