Sahabat Pemberani
Design: Kummara team
Artwork: Kummara team
Sahabat Pemberani: Permainan Kejujuran is one of two board games made for National Corruption Eradication Commision of Indonesia (in Indonesian: Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi or KPK). It is published on Anti-Corruption Festival 2014, an event to commemorate International Anti-Corruption Day at 9th December 2014.
This game itself has an animated series “Sahabat Pemberani” published also by KPK a year earlier about a group of courageous young fellows that hold high the value of honesty in their daily activity. The game was designed for the players to embrace the anti-corruption spirit even from Primary School stage.
As the game uses the cooperative mechanism, every players will need to communicate even more with other players in order to solve the problem and win the game together. The game story revolves around the kids from Sahabat Pemberani group that are enthusiastically trying to investigate the case of towns people’s mysteriously missing items.
The game itself highlights the importance of developing honesty since young age so that there will be no place for corruption left.