“Tahu bulat, digoreng dadakan, lima ratusan, gurih gurih nyoi…,” is a typical call from the car of the tofu seller that usually passes near our house.
While everyone knows tofu in the shape of a square and filled, entrepreneurs in Ciamis present tofu that is round and hollow. Not only the product is different, the moving open kitchen (on top of a pick-up car/motorbike) provides an opportunity for consumers to get steamy hot tofu that made to order is also an innovative breakthrough. Additionally, a unique jingle, then who doesn’t know the sound of round tofu seller. No wonder round tofu entrepreneurs can achieve a turnover of up to tens of millions each month. But recently the popularity of round tofu began to decline. Since the pandemic, the voice of a typical round tofu call has even disappeared from around our house.
We see new products/services appearing and then disappearing replaced by other products/services that are better, more relevant, and able to answer our needs. The existing system and technology has enabled the emergence of various new creativity which disrupts other creativity that was present before (Seth Godin discusses this phenomenon in one of his podcasts entitled “creative disruption”). This has happened many times before the pandemic.
COVID-19 pandemic made many things change totally. Some call it new normal, some see it as a transition to the next normal. For me, this is a time when various forms of creative disruption will be present faster, stronger, and wider. A time when every organization had the opportunity to present better products and services. At the same time, each of us must also be prepared to be hit by better products/services.
Steve Johnson through his book Wonderland: How to Play Made the Modern World revealed that many innovations that change the world present from those who play, dare to experiment with new ideas, do things in different ways, simply because they enjoy it. Innovating in the middle of a pandemic is certainly not easy, but on the other hand, this might be the best time to present Playful Leader. Someone who has enormous curiosity and a great passion to always learn many new things. Someone who is able to be creative and present solutions even within all existing limitations. Someone who has the courage to see from many points of view and experiment with excitement. So that it can motivate all of its organizations to be able to adapt, innovate, and transform to continue to be better.
Imagine if we could present Playful Leader at every level of the organization. From the state level, companies, educational institutions, to families. We will not only come out of the crisis, but we might also be able to bring the Z-i generation (Z innovators). A generation that is able to see each problem as an interesting challenge to solve. A generation that presents a lot of innovation, not only for profit but because it has become part of our new culture. A generation that might be able to bring a new variety of round tofu for us to enjoy together.
– Eko Nugroho
- https://netz.id/news/2016/10/27/00316/1011261016/dari-mana-tahu-bulat-itu-berasal
- https://money.kompas.com/read/2016/05/17/121317926/Ini.Perjalanan.Bisnis.Sang.Pengisi.Suara.Tahu.Bulat.
- https://play.acast.com/s/akimbo/2926c88f-ed32-4439-b55c-5e5a47f4289d
- https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/organization/our-insights/to-emerge-stronger-from-the-covid-19-crisis-companies-should-start-reskilling-their-workforces-now
- https://www.amazon.com/Wonderland-Play-Made-Modern-World/dp/0399184481
- Ilustration “Leadership” by kenishirotie