Started at the end of 2019, MANGGALA (Mandiri Game-Based Learning Leadership) board game is initiated by Mandiri University, a unit from Bank Mandiri for their employee internal training. Designed as a media for leadership and corporation value training program with the incorporation of a game-based learning method, this board game transformed into an online game because of the pandemic attack in early 2020.
As a pioneer of Online Facilitated Game-Based Learning (OFBGL), the purpose of MANGGALA is to give conceptual comprehension about leadership and corporation value with new and effective experience. The target itself is Mandiri young employees whose dominated by Millenials.
After months of development, Mandiri University and Kummara officially held MANGGALA Online Facilitated Game-Based Learning session in August 2020. Different from the physical board game, the online version concept is a puzzle game, where all players cooperate in a team to finish the puzzle. “One leader will guide each team, start from discussing, planning, and finishing the puzzle. The objection is to connect Mandiri to their customers,” said MANGGALA project manager, Brendan Satria. This version also delivers “Building Nation Together” value which is Bank Mandiri value.
When implemented in August 2020, MANGGALA has been played by 100 Mandiri employees. Further, this game also played again with an additional session about Bank Mandiri corporate value in November 2020.
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