Universitas Islam Bandung (UNISBA), School of Public Health and Community Medicine – University of New South Wales (SPHCM-UNSW) and Kummara initiated “Light The Mind” program, a series of event to raise the awareness of public, especially in Kupang, about mental health. It consists of Focus Group Discussion, Training of Trainers and Workshop using board game as the learning media for 3 days.
More than 70 participants joined the program, from high school students, teachers, and local government officials. 30 of them were trained as facilitators for the workshop. Through interactive learning session, participants got to learn about mental health and understanding different aspects of mental health, especially depression, using “Carpe Diem” board game. In “Carpe Diem”, players will face hard days and help from other players might needed to overcome the day. Otherwise, they will get depression card and their days will be harder in the future.
This program is a pilot event from continuous research plan in developing learning media and process for mental health education that hopefully can be implemented nationwide. This program is supported by Australian Government through Australian Alumni Grant Scheme administrated by Australia Awards in Indonesia.