On 25-27 November, Kummara prepared a game design workshop for Summit Auto Group Learning Center, Rancamaya, Bogor. Attended by 20 participants from different divisions, the goal of the workshop is to introduce game design process to SAG Learning Center trainers and implement it to make a board game that suitable with their learning modules.
On the first day of the workshop, Eko Nugroho (CEO Kummara) and team gave an overview about “Why Games for Learning” and continued with Game Based Learning play sessions. From the play sessions, participants discussed about game elements and Eko introduced them to Game Design Process that will be continued on the second day.
On the second day, participants filled their Game Design Canvas as the first step. The next step was Rapid Prototyping where participants created their prototype and test it before refinery process on the last day of the workshop. Participants were excited to created their own game with unique and diverse theme. From Customer Service, Customer Satisfactory to Occupational Health and Safety.
The last day, participants started refining their board game before market place started. They also made a poster with their board game title, learning points from the game and debriefing questions that they will ask after the play session. During the market place, each person got a chance to tried the game and give feedback about the game. At the end of the day, “Fire in the Factory” voted as the most favorite game.