Eko became the moderator for Game Based Learning 2019 at Gedung Freeport SBM ITB. The topic of the seminar wass “Optimizing Game and Digital Technology to Accelerate Education Quality in Indonesia”. The seminar featured Dr. Irfan Syauqi Beik (BAZNAS), Scot Osterweil (MIT Education Arcade) and Achmad Ghazali, Ph.D (SBM ITB).
For 3 hours, the talkshow divided into 2 parts: short presentation by the speakers and QnA session. The participants of the seminar were not only from Bandung, but also from other cities like Jakarta and Bekasi. Lots of questions were about how to use game in class and the effectiveness of game as education media in class since most of the participants were teacher,
After talkshow, participants could see showcase booth from Ludenara’s partner that already use game for education such as Badan Amil Zakat Nasional, KGB Pekalongan, and Nurul Fikri School.
Game Based Learning Festival 2019 is held by Ludenara and supported by Badan Amil Zakat Nasional, MIT Education Arcade, SBM ITB and Kummara.