“Inclusive Gastronomy in Bandung” program is a collaboration program between HIVOS and Kummara to find answers about the difficulty of implementing inclusive gastronomy in Bandung. As a kick-off, Kummara held a FGD session to talk about gastronomy problem in mid-low class society in Bandung.
Kummara invited experts from different areas to join the FGD, such as representatives from Dinas Kesehatan Kota Bandung, dr. Yenni Zuhairini from Perhimpunan Dokter Gizi Medik Indonesia, Luky Santoso from Rumah Kayu Permaculture, Hesty from Cookpad Indonesia, dr. Titik Respati from Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Bandung, and representatives from House The House.
The FGD began with Eko explained about the program itself to the participants. The first discussion was about nutrition and the right portion for each age group. The next discussion was about the challenge on choosing nutritious ingredients and cooking healthy menu in family with reasonable price.
The result of FGD will became the baseline for making a boardgame about nutritional value of food.