“Creative Teaching in New Normal Era” Webinar at Bobo Creative Week
On July 23, Eko Nugroho hosted a webinar session in Bobo Creative Week about “Menggali Ide dan Kreativitas Guru dalam Penerapan Pengajaran di Masa Adaptasi Kebiasaan Baru”. The 60 minutes talk was divided into 2 sessions. In the first session, Eko talked about how to optimized the learning process in the new normal era and the potential of game as learning media. While in the...
SIT Nurul Fikri Board Game Creation Competition
Eko became one of the judges for Board Game Creation Competition by SIT Nurul Firki Depok. This competition joined by teachers from all levels of schools and covers different learning subjects in SIT Nurul Fikri. 10 participants were then qualified for the final round. In the final round, each of the finalists presents their game and show the prototypes. They have 30 minutes to explain the...
Kelas Literasi “Belajar Asik Dari Rumah”
Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up. — Pablo Picasso Eko Nugroho became the speaker for Kelas Literasi session by CT Arsa Foundation. The theme for his session was “Belajar Asik Dari Rumah” where Eko explained the benefit of play for children. Then, he explains how playing can be also a part of learning by giving some examples...
Basic Gamification Webinar For Teachers
CEO Kummara Group, Eko Nugroho, became one of the speakers at “Belajar Seasik Bermain” webinar series. This webinar series is a collaboration program between Ludenara and PGRI Smart Learning Center with more than 700 teachers from different regions of Indonesia registered. After his “Basic Game-Based Learning and Game Design” webinar session, Eko shared his...
“Basic Game-Based Learning and Game Design” Webinar For Teachers
CEO Kummara Group, Eko Nugroho, became one of the speakers at “Belajar Seasik Bermain” webinar series. This webinar series is a collaboration program between Ludenara and PGRI Smart Learning Center. More than 700 teachers registered to attend “Belajar Seasik Bermain” webinar series from different regions of Indonesia. Eko shared his expertise on the foundation of...
SPIEL’19 Panel – How Board Games Make The World A Better Place
.elementor-12215 .elementor-element.elementor-element-2ff9b6e .elementor-wrapper{--video-aspect-ratio:1.77777;} Eko Nugroho, CEO Kummara, became one of the speaker for International Panel Session at SPIEL’19 in Essen, Germany. SPIEL is the world’s largest public fair for games, especially board games. Held in an exhibition space of...
SIAGA Boardgame Roadshow in Lombok and Palu
On 18-19 December 2019, Ludenara and Badan Amil Zakat Nasional(BAZNAS) went to Lombok and Palu for SIAGA Boardgame Roadshow. This roadshow marked the final process of developing SIAGA Boardgame after several playtest in various cities. On the first day, 50 primary school teachers gathered for Game-Based Learning Workshop to learn how SIAGA Boardgame can help them to teach disaster...
Learning Integrity Through Boardgame at Temu Aksi Penyuluh Antikorupsi
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Gastronot Showcase at Festival Panen Raya Nusantara 2019
As one of Hivos’s partner and collaborate in their Sustainable Diets For All (SD4All) program through Gastronot.ID, Kummara team showcased Gastronot board game at Festival Panen Raya Nusantara 2019. The festival was held from December 6 to 8 at Plaza Semanggi Jakarta and attended by over 100 local community members of the Panen Raya Nusantara (PARARA) consortium to educate...