How can we practice to become a PLAYFUL LEADER?
We can start by doing the following 3 things:
- Always build curiousity. Get used to seeing many things as a room for exploration. Get into the habit of finding and processing information / data like you are looking for and arranging pieces of “puzzles”. We do it diligently and happily, because we know that each piece will help us understand the true big picture.
- Realize that creativity is a matter of process. Therefore, the various restrictions that exist are not obstacles to create something. Get used to always being creative even in the “narrowest” moments. A simple white canvas can be a space for thousands of strokes and mixed with many colors. The value of a painting is not from the canvas material, but from the results of the strokes and the mixture of colors in it.
- Challenge yourself to see from a different perspective. Start right away. Accept failure as a consequence of every effort. But also realize that every failure may be a form of selection from the universe. To sort out who deserves (to continue to play) and who only pretends.
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